Individual Pension

Individual pension system is a savings and investment system that helps you maintain your standard of living during your working period by making regular savings.

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*What is Individual Pension?

The individual pension system is a savings and investment system supported by state subsidies that provides people with the opportunity to make regular savings in order to maintain their standard of living during their retirement period.

*Is this retirement system safe?

The control mechanism in the individual pension system is extremely robust and secure.

Activities of pension companies are audited by the Turkish Undersecretariat of Treasury. While companies are required to have an independent external audit at least once a year, the accounts and transactions of the funds are subject to independent external audit on a quarterly basis. The daily activities of the companies are monitored electronically by the Pension Monitoring Center (EGM). Participants' individual retirement accounts are kept at Takasbank, regardless of the financial structure of the pension companies. In case the pension companies go bankrupt, the participant can continue to remain in the system by transferring the savings stored in Takasbank to another pension company. Fund assets cannot be pledged, cannot be given as collateral except for transactions related to the portfolio, cannot be seized by third parties and cannot be included in the bankruptcy estate. The activities of funds and portfolio managers are audited by the Capital Markets Board at least once a year.

*How much salary will I receive when I retire?

The retirement savings you will obtain and the salary you will receive will vary depending on your age when you enter the system, the amount of contribution you pay, and the returns of your funds. Pension companies, provide estimated retirement savings and salary predictions based on projection calculations created according to the conditions and plan features determined by the Turkish Undersecretariat of Treasury.

*How can I access my account?

You can access your account by logging into the encrypted areas created for you on the pension companies' websites; You can follow the status of your savings, fund returns, payment periods and perform transactions related to your account. Since your individual retirement accounts are held at Takasbank, it is also possible to monitor your fund shares on a daily basis with the Takasbank password you will be given.

*What is the State Contribution and what are its rates?

It is the amount paid by the government to your private pension account in return for the contributions you have deposited into the private pension system, at a certain rate of these contributions. The state contribution is paid at the rate of 25% of all contributions you make regularly or lump sum. For instance; If you pay ₺100 per month, ₺25 will be paid to your name every month, and if you pay ₺800, ₺200 will be paid to your name.

*When did the state contribution start?

State contribution is paid for the contributions you deposit as of 01.01.2013.

*Is state contribution paid for everyone?

Citizens of the Republic of Turkey who pay contributions within the scope of an individual or group private pension contract, regardless of whether they are taxpayers or not, regardless of their profession, and citizens of the Republic of Turkey, who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey and who have obtained permission to leave, in accordance with Article 28 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901 dated 29.05.2009. State contribution is paid for contributions deposited by or on behalf of those who have lost their citizenship and their descendants.

*When will I be entitled to State Contribution?

The duration conditions are stated in the table below.

The time you were in the system after 01.01.2013The entitled rate of the amount in the state contribution account
Less than 3 years%0
3<=Duration<6 years%15
6<=Duration<10 years%35
10 years or more (before age 56)%60
Retirement (staying in the system for 10 years or more and reaching the age of 56), loss of life or disability%100

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